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Thursday, November 18, 2010

HEAVEN #3645 All Your Choices

HEAVEN #3645 All Your Choices

God said:

Accept the idea that there are no mistakes, that accidents are not, that everything happens for a reason, and the reason, known or unknown, moves you forward. It may seem to you that there can be no good reason. There may be no way for you to know because your life plays out one incident at a time.

You cannot see the road not taken. You cannot follow its course. And you may well not see clearly the road taken. You may moan, “Oh, why did that happen?” Or, “Why did I let that happen? Why didn’t I say something? Why did I sweep it under the carpet?” Or, “Why didn’t I sweep it under the carpet?” You may even groan, “Oh, why was I born to such travail?”

There are many roads not taken. They are many roads taken. How can you be so certain that you made a mistake in what you see as a mistake? If you could see the whole divine picture, you would draw other conclusions. You might say, “What a wonderful thing that I did that which I thought was in error. Now I see the good it brought. Now I see what it saved me from. Now I see that where I thought I was mistaken, I was right. I made the right choice even though it seemed like a wrong choice.”

Beloveds, there are many right choices. I will tell you something. You are in a good place now, and all your choices led you right here. And if you had made other choices in your haphazard way, you would also be right here. Your choices are not the total determinant of where you are now. You are here now in this wonderful land of Heaven because I called you. When I call you, it doesn’t matter what you did when. What matters is that you are here now. There is nothing you need speculate about.

You may have wasted money, and yet that was not a mistake. You may have married and unmarried or stayed married, and it was not a mistake. It was a choice you chose. No matter how awkward, no matter what, it was your choice to make, and it was right at that moment. Life may have proven that to you, or it may not have. It doesn’t matter. You see only a spot of what your life is about. One spot does not show you the whole arena.

Even if you lost the ball game, you gained. You cannot lose, beloveds. Come from the angle that you made right choices and that your choices served you and will serve you yet. You have a choice to make now, and I am telling you what choice to make. You have the choice to regret and Monday-morning-quarterback all you want. You have that choice. I am suggesting, however, that you applaud yourself for all the choices you have made. You might as well. Once made, you cannot unchoose your choices. Never would I want you to spend the life I gave you in regret. That would indeed be a foolish choice. You can make a choice to regret and regret again half or all your choices. You can make a choice to move ahead and leave all regrets behind you. Regrets don’t serve you. Regrets hamper you. They make you sluggish and regretful.

Take down your hair and let the wind blow freely. Feel the wind in your face. You are now. You are right now, and you are in the lead. You are ahead of the score you have been keeping. Choices once made are not your choices now to make or unmake. Leave them alone. No longer reproach yourself. You are splendid.


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