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Friday, March 2, 2012

Michael – The needs of your bodies are changing rapidly – Channeled by Ron Head March 2, 2012

Michael – The needs of your bodies are changing rapidly – Channeled by Ron Head March 2, 2012

We would like to speak to you now on the subject of nutrition.  The needs of your bodies are changing rapidly.  As these changes occur, many of you are finding your food preferences change, as well.  We notice, however, that those who are not as in tune with the needs of their bodies continue to eat in their habitual ways.  This, of course, will change as the incoming energies change their molecular structures.  Those who are already in tune with those changes are being surprised, at times, that they are wanting to eat fruits or vegetables that they previously never considered.  This is all perfectly natural.  If you are a person who enjoys making wholesale changes to your lifestyle, and you wish to make radical changes in your diet, that is, of course, fine.  Know, however, that when those changes happen out of necessity or changing tastes, that that will be just fine, too.  If you cannot, or do not wish to, make those radical changes to your eating habits, no judgment is incurred.  But we tell you not to be too shocked when you find yourselves eating fruits and salads.  You will eventually recognize that it helps you feel better.  The popular myth about the lack of certain nutrients in that sort of diet has long been disproven.  And if flavor is a problem, we will assure you that there are plenty of delicious ways to maintain a diet that does not include meat and its accompanying lower energies.  But you will find these things out for yourselves.  There is no need for you to be on the receiving or the giving end of attempts to make radical changes that were not sought out.  If you are already a firm believer in meatless diets, you will find the information you have being asked for.  If you wish to learn how to cook more delicious recipes without meats, then ask for them.  In this day of the internet, all of that information can be found in a moment.  All that is truly required now is your intent to achieve and maintain better health.  We leave you now with that thought.

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