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The Day My Life Changed Forever

It was a beautiful warm summer day and I was taking care of my grandson oh how I Loved to have him with me a hand full of  pleasure :)  Little did I know my life would change forever !!

Jeremy (my son) called me that morning and asked me to take care of Jarrod (my grandson) who was 2 years old at the time . Yes of course I said with a smile in my heart oh how I loved my son and grandson :)

I hurried around to get things done that I knew I would not get done later :) wanting to spend every moment with Jarrod .  Jeremy came later on and brought Jarrod in to me . He was going to a baseball memorial game for his friend Adam who was killed in a car accident the prior year .

Jeremy kissed Jarrod goodbye and told him he Loved him and as I watched him get into his car he got back out and came in again and came over kissed Jarrod again kissed me also told us he Loved us and left .

I could feel a stirring inside of me a  not knowing sensation of why I was feeling this way ~

Later that day Jeremy phoned me and asked me to take Jarrod home to his Mother . You see they were young and not married and really not even talking to one another .  ~ Still feeling  weird ~

Intuition  (my inner knowing ) at this time is kicking in ~ Pacing around the house and feeling empty inside ...

When I took Jarrod home to his Mom she said her and Jeremy had a good talk and worked things out .

Still I felt funny inside the feeling of the unknown is going to happen . Back at home again I  did my routine things and went to bed .  I tossed and turned and could not sleep .

I got up and went out into the living room and sat on the sofa looking out into the darkness. I don't really know how long I stayed out there just looking at the sky and the stars and thinking .

Jeremy was not  only my son he was my best friend you see his Father and I had divorced  a couple of years ago at that time and Jeremy had always been there to comfort me and I him . We confided in each other totally .

Whatever time I went back to bed I think I had been there just a little while and heard a voice calling my name I hollered what ?

I jumped up and ran out into the hallway to find one of  Jeremy's fiends there his face was white and I screamed Wally what is wrong ?

He said Jeremy had been in an accident and I went to my knees . I asked him how bad is it ? He said Bad .

We went to the hospital which was an hour away from where I lived that was the longest  hour of my entire life . Wally told me that Jeremy had given his car to a friend and had taken the friend's motor bike . OMG

 I started asking if Jeremy was alert he said no . I was an EMT and knew this was not good . By the time I got to the hospital Jeremy was in the trauma room . They wouldn't let me in because they had a team working on him.

That was a long time  of waiting and soon they brought him out to surgery. ~ I knew then as I waited he was not coming back to me I Knew he was not ever going to tell me he Loved me again or we could never have those long beautiful talks we always had ~

Oh Jeremy how am I ever going to survive without you ? My older son was living 3000 kilometers away . What am I going to do ?

God I prayed if you are going to take Jeremy from me take him all the way not left on a life support with me having to make a choice to pull the plug . I have always been connected to God always knew God heard my prayers and always gave me what was right for me .

God and the Angels softly whispered in my ears Jeremy is going Home it is Time ~ They brought me out warm blankets from the warming bin I was in shock and I knew it ~

The doctor came out of the OR and  I  looked  at him and immediately went to the floor ~ How am I to live without Jeremy ?

The ER was filled with Jeremy's friends they were all there wanting Jeremy to be okay . I was so Blessed to have them with us supporting us they were like my own children .

It was so hard to see all those faces in disbelief that their friend was gone that they would not be able to have him in their lives . I was doing my best to comfort them as well as holding it together myself . God in His  Infinite Wisdom is holding me up and giving  me so much strength .

Now it was time to go in and say goodbye to my precious son who was on his way back Home  xXx 

I am driving to my Mother's house in just plain shock like the world is turning but I am not really in it . Part of me is gone with Jeremy never to return .

We are knocking at Mom's door and I can see them Mom & Dad in the window smiling ~ How can I tell them their grandson is gone ? Dear God give me the words to say to them ~

Dad said what is going on ?  How can I tell them my baby boy is gone ?

Mom & Dad you better sit down I have some sad news to tell you . Jeremy was in an accident and he didn't make it . The boy who Loved life Loved his Family and Friends was gone . He was an Angel loaned to me and brought me so much Joy how could he in just those minutes be gone ?

Mom & Dad are both in denial . I feel their pain and their numbness but I can hardly feel me .

I have to go home I have so many things I have to think about so many arrangements to make .The drive back home was endless I am exhausted but I cannot sleep so much to think about . I have to call my son .

God wrap me in your Loving Arms and hold me close I need you .

The next days were like a Bad Dream that I could not wake up in I just floated through them I guess . There were so many many people  and so many friends . Their Amazing Love was incredible they were Angels .They all Loved Jeremy he was a wonderful friend a wonderful son who always found the best in everyone . I can feel him all around me I know he is here watching it all taking it all in and worrying about his Family and Friends .

The months that followed were incredible .....

Who is this person in the mirror looking back at me ? Is it me ? I doesn't feel like me !!  Where is the sparkle in my eyes I used to have . I am not the same person I was a part of me is gone forever with Jeremy .

The time has come for me to go back to my job working in a Nursing Home is so rewarding these people are just like my family ~ they have taught me so much and I knew there was a reason I chose Heath Care for a profession.

They are all so comforting Loving and I am glad to be back with them I Love them so much .  I am now searching to find the true me the real  me . I am Amazed at the strength I have I know God and the Angels are helping me every day.

I know now that there is so much more out there than I have been taught . I am reading so many books my favorite author at this time is Sylvia Browne a  Professional Psychic  .

I am reading so many of her books and finding so many answers that I already knew which was buried deep inside of me but as my mind opened more I became more aware . Thank God for Sylvia Browne .

Jarrod is such a Blessing to me I am so Thankful for him he was sent from Heaven . I have him often and we have so much fun with him .

They are having a Memorial Basketball Game for Jeremy tonight. Jeremy played basket ball all through school and I Loved attending his every game .  I am having a really hard time with this though  I have a huge lump in my thrat and a heavy feeling in my chest wondering how am I going to do this ?

I am getting ready to go for an appointment and I hear a loud knocking at the door which is down in the garage . I am in my bare feet and it is winter . I go to the door in the house and holler down Hello and no answer . I holler again because the door is locked . No one is answering me . I look down and the door knob is turning .

I ran down to the garage door and open it and there is no one there . At this point I am second guessing myself  and run back up stairs look at my bare feet and say yes they are cold . I am not dreaming .

I go down again and look outside in the snow there are no tracks because it is snowing some . How can this be ?  How could someone be knocking and no one there !!!

I go back into the house and finish getting ready to leave . Intuition is kicking in and I am reminded about ways our Loved ones can connect with us .

When I get back home again I drive into the garage and have this feeling of warmth from the top of my head to the tips of my toes . I can feel it all around me as I get out of the van and go up the stairs I holler Jeremy I am back I am home !!

Where did this come from ? It just came out !! What an Amazing feeling I feel  =) The lump is gone  and the heaviness  and I feel pure Peace .  OMG  I cannot believe this feeling .

I went to the Memorial Game and they retired his number and Jersey and had it hung in the Gym . They presented me with flowers after the game this was all the boys Jeremy played basketball with  . I left the school feeling like Jeremy was a Hero . The teachers and boys were Amazing  and it was a wonderful evening to ever be Remembered .

A week later the phone keeps ringing and when I answer it no one is there . Sometimes It will happen maybe 30 - 40 times a day . I was watching a show with Sylvia Browne on it and she was telling how our Loved ones communicate with us by moving things , which the picture of Jeremy would always be crooked :) also she said they will call on the phone and no one will be there .  Bingo I had my answer !!

The next time it happened I answered  with no response so I said Jeremy if this is you click the phone . You guessed it click went the phone so I knew it was him . Later on it disconnected .  He is always around me these days he knows I need him comforting me .

Today I have Jarrod  he makes my heart sing :) What a wonderful Blessing he is to me . He was playing around the house and got frightened and came running to me  crying saying there is something there Nanny . I took him to the spot and said look there is nothing here it is okay and got him calmed down .

He went back to playing again later on and came running again saying there was something there . By this time I was a little concerned about what he was hearing . I went all over the house with him showing him it was okay that was nothing there now .

Later I was starting supper on the barbecue and when i came in off the deck  Jarrod had a huge smile on his face and said Nanny my Daddy was here . He was not afraid he was calm and very happy .

I of course had Angel bumps as I always call them so I asked him where he was now and Jarrod said he is gone now but he was here going over to the sofa he laid down on it the very way Jeremy always laid on the sofa . Talk about Angel Bumps I was simply covered from head to toe .

Jarrod had seen his Daddy of that I was sure he was Happy and so was I . Jeremy was communicating with us and that was so wonderful . Jeremy had to show himself to Jarrod I guess in order for him to be comforted

Amazing Grace !!  I was  kind of worried to take Jarrod back home and tell his Mother what Jarrod had seen in case she wouldn't let him come back but that sure was not the case .

My Mother saw Jeremy also he came to the foot of her bed one night and woke her . She was so happy she was so connected to the Divine Source . He did not speak to her or to Jarrod just showed himself . That was enough .

I always feel him but have never seen him . His visits now are not nearly as often I believe he has many things to do now my Mother & Father are both with him .

The night my Mother crossed over her and I were alone  at the Nursing Home  she was unconscious and knowing how long sometimes it takes for them to let go , they don't  want  to leave you afraid you won't  be okay . I  said Mom  it is time it is okay there  is  just you and I here (my husband had just left) .

I said Jeremy and Dad are waiting for you Mom  go  to the Light . She took one Breath and she slipped away with a smile on her face . That was so comforting to me she did not suffer or struggle she just easily crossed over to the other side . 

Jeremy  has been gone now 14 years this August but his life was spent Living and Loving every minute with his family and friends . God Blessed me with him for 21 years and nine months .

Know that your Loved ones are always around you they never really leave us they are always in our Hearts and always just a call away . I have so many Beautiful Memories of Jeremy that fills my heart with so much Joy .  I am so happy to share this story and was led by Spirit which nudged me for awhile :)  now so finally it is out and I feel  Blessed .  Thank you all for sharing this story with me . 

This is a picture of Jeremy on Prom Night  I wish to share with you he is my Angel now .
