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Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Maureen Moss

Beloveds, there are barely words to describe the times that are ahead of us in 2011. No one will be able to use his or her logic to make sense of anything we are about to experience. There will be no time to think as the months ahead take us to the very edges of our being, and the razor sharp edges of duality.

No one will be able to plan his or her life ahead of the absolute moment they are in... believe it. Not one of us will be able to change one iota of our life by changing anything in the world external, though we might think we have. Those were the days my friends, before, not now.

We stand vulnerable now, like volcanoes, waiting for circumstances to antagonize an eruption, to blow out everything that stands between us and God.

Being armed with self-love, and the ways in which to activate it in a nanosecond is essential, if we are to withstand the many eruptions that lie ahead. And, if we are to succeed in our ultimate goal of ascension, whose very underpinnings is self-love.

Asking for a replay is a powerful way to activate self-love, and one you will find useful in the months ahead.

On our heels, days are coming of grace (big one on February 11, 2011) followed by six eclipses and planets changing signs quicker than the speed of light, along with minds and emotional bodies.

You may well redefine the meaning of going out of your mind as you find yourself going from feeling oh so connected, (to several dimensions and God and everyone else on this planet at once,) to where in God's name, is God? (Attempting to make a complete and grand entrance into your, and everyone else's Divine Footprint on this earth plane, is where.)

So when is it going to stop? When we are in a resurrected state of consciousness, having fallen deeply in love with ourselves and each other.

Utilizing replay is going to help you get there.

Each time you find yourself in a moment where you are struggling to love yourself or another, then give yourself a replay.

Whenever you notice you have been harsh, critical and unloving toward yourself (or any other, since it is one and the same) literally say to yourself, "I am giving myself a replay. I am going to re-create this scenario, right now. I am going to consciously act on behalf of myself in a loving way, right now. Through replay, I am going to speak and act toward myself or another utilizing my highest consciousness, my I AM consciousness, right now. No excuses. No delays.

I am going to bring every part of myself that has ever been in creation into one Unified field of love, right now, in spite of what I have said, thought or done, even one minute ago. I will not justify myself, nor blame any other, any energy, any planet, any solar flare or internal flare to move me out of love. Period. I will have a replay, right now."

To help you: whenever an unloving act occurred that involved another, sincerely ask that person to please give you the opportunity to replay something you may have said in haste or in anger, resentment or in fear. Be vulnerable. Be authentic. Be willing. It's all part of self-love.

Two things happen when another is involved and you ask for a replay. First, you intentionally place yourself in a higher frequency field, as you have changed energy, and second, without forcing anything, you create an expanded awareness of a re-creative action for another to feel into and implement for themselves. Can you imagine what that consciousness and love could do to shift the planet?

Before you hit replay
, start by taking three slow and steady breaths in and out. Breathe in love, and hold it consciously as it fills your body. Just as consciously breathe out the part of yourself that was unloving. Breathe it all the way out. Take that breath in deep conscious awareness, three times.

Without judgment, or justification just notice what was created from you (by words, thoughts or actions) outside of the space of love. And then consciously re-create it as an action of great love, be it for yourself, or another. Behave as the God that you are.

As you take this action, you are setting up a new template of Divine behavior inside of yourself, raising your frequencies above the planetary adjustments and getting closer to zero point and resurrection. After all, isn't that why you reincarnated over and over again, for a replay?

Alrighty then, here's where you choose the opportunity to replay in every moment so you don't have to keep coming and going so often.

Copyright 2011, Maureen Moss. Please pass this to all you know it will serve keeping name, and websites intact.

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