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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.

HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:

* Our connection to God *

* Our belief in ourselves *

* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *

Peace on Earth

God is always bringing us closer to Him.
HEAVEN #3688 The Growth of Love, December 30, 2010

God said:

Yes, I am talking to you, My One Child in the form of many. To whom would I be talking to if not you, you who are in My heart of love, ever pulsating in My heart, ever the blossoming fruit on My vine, ever the apple of My eye. Yes, this is you I speak to. There is no one else.

I am always in the background speaking. My Voice resounds around the world. My Voice is also named Love, and it is love that I hand out like Halloween candy, like sweet water, like sunshine on rolling hills, like a smile on your face, and your eyes upturned to Me and Heaven, the abode of My heart.

My love has no judgment. Where there is love, there is no need for judgment. Judgment says No. I say Yes. I say you are My Beauty on Earth. You are the beneficiary of My heart. My heart is at your disposal. Here is My love. Take it. Take it to heart. My love is really yours. Take all you want. Take all of My love, and there will still be more. It is your Divine Right to partake of My love, to consume it, to radiate it, to disperse it, to shine it, to emanate it, to sparkle it all around you. My love is not even for the asking. My love is for the taking. My love is not in a box of alms. My love is not charity. Nor is it payment. From the beginning, My love was given to you. It is yours. My love washes over you. My love is deep enough for you to dive into it. My love is deeper than the deepest ocean. Dive into My love. It is for you.

Love is the sweetest treasure of the Universe, and it is yours, all yours, to do with as you like. I suggest that you give it away without judgment, the same way that I make love yours. Frequent love, and give it out the way a bird trills a song. Let love be your manner of speaking. Let love be your manner. Love, I say. Love. Spill love. Breathe love. Inhale and exhale love. With every breath, love. Anything else is a waste of time except that anything else will lead you back to love where you came from. This is love I speak to you of. I am giving you a handle on it. This is how you carry love, and this is how you carry love out, and this is how you kneel to love and collect it, not to amass, but to distribute the way the sun shines its light. You are the sunshine of My love. You light the light already lit. You remind the world of the light I hold it in. You are the sparkler of the world.

Everything is greater than you give it credit for, everything but love, that is. Love is the greatest invention known to mankind and angels and God. There is no other answer but love. Only love will do. Love is the only thing to do.

How many ways can I talk about love? How many ways can I love? How many ways can you? How many ways will you? As many ways as it takes, will you. You are bound to take love with you wherever you go or wherever you don’t go. Love is rampant. Love is not a fad. Love is here to stay and to land everywhere. Lovelessness does not exist. Do not abandon love. Try it on for size, and watch it grow. The growth of love is tremendous as it bounces off itself every which way. See love bounce.


1 comment:

  1. The holiday season is a perfect time to examine our lives. When the harsh realities of our everyday choices confront us, we have a golden opportunity to modify our behavior and align our values. Author C. David Coates wrote an eye opening poem which, like a mirror, exposes us to truths we may not wish to see. Here is a slightly modified version of that poem.

    "Aren't humans amazing? They kill wildlife - birds, deer, all kinds of cats, coyotes, beavers, groundhogs, mice and foxes by the million in order to protect their domestic animals and their feed.

    Then they kill domestic animals by the billion and eat them. This in turn kills people by the million, because eating all those animals leads to degenerative - and fatal - health conditions like heart disease, stroke, kidney disease, and cancer.

    So then humans spend billions of dollars torturing and killing millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases.

    Elsewhere, millions of other human beings are being killed by hunger and malnutrition because food they could eat is being used to fatten domestic animals.

    Meanwhile, few people recognize the absurdity of humans, who kill so easily and violently, and once a year send out cards praying for 'Peace on Earth.'"

    The good news is that anyone can break this cycle of violence. Each of us has the power to choose compassion. Please visit these websites to align your core values with life affirming choices: &
