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Friday, July 2, 2010

Contemplating Life

As I  sat outside today after a nice bike ride with my hubby , I was thinking about life and how it is like a continuous circle . I have always been  connected to Spirit as a little girl I knew there was more than what I was being taught .

Everything is made of Energy ( Source Energy ) and I felt that all my life . Flowers rocks soil the mountains the oceans we are all Energy  ~!~ all connected breathing the same breath of Oneness and all Creation .

Thoughts are Energy and information . There is an old Energy and a new Energy the old involves struggle  pain blame  resentment and anger.

The new Energy patterns involve Love  Grace Peace Abundance and Prosperity for all learning through Joy and Ease Humility Gratitude Charity and Appreciation.

The New Energy Honors our God - self  and we choose to be Co Creators with God . All resources of Heaven are at our disposal to make our lives Wonderful attracting all that is sweet to us .

Remember to Remember ~!~there is no Yesterday no tomorrow no last week or an hour from now~!~ there is only NOW .Living in the Now the Present Moment is a way to keep in mind we are all the same all from that same Oneness .

We are all moving along our pathway back into Great Great Love in our hearts ,great compassion for all life and great wisdom and understanding about ourselves and others.

We are each moving into the New Era and now is a wonderful time to be here . We all came here to assist in this Change and to help one another as we shift into the next dimension .


  1. Now is all that this. As I'm writng this comment, this comment is all that-is. Thanks for your connection, which is mine.
